Functions of Every Key - Keys on the Computer Keyboard and their Functions Write function of every keys of keyboard in details with th...

Functions of Every Key - Keys on the Computer Keyboard and their Functions

Write function of every keys of keyboard in details with their names.

Keys on the computer keyboard

Alt Key

A computer key that you press together with another key so that the other key does something different from what it usually does. You can also refer to this key simply as Alt.

Arrow Key

One of four computer keys marked with an up, down, left, or right arrow, used for moving the cursor.


The key that you press on a keyboard to move one space backwards in a document.

Caps Lock

A key on a computer keyboard that makes all the keys produce capital letters.

Character Set

A complete set of letters, numbers, or symbols that can be used by a computer.

Command Key

On some computers, a key that you press together with another key to make the computer do a particular thing.


The control key on a computer keyboard.

Control Key

A key on a computer keyboard that is used in combination with other keys for doing particular operations. This key is usually marked ‘Ctrl’.
ctrl abbreviation control: the control key on a computer keyboard.

Delete Key

A computer key that removes characters. This key is sometimes simply referred to as del.

Enter Key

A key on a computer keyboard that makes the computer perform an action or start a new line of writing.


The escape key on a computer.

Escape Key

A key on a computer keyboard that allows someone to stop an action, leave a program, or return to a previous menu. This key is usually marked ‘Esc’.

Function Key

A special button on a computer keyboard that is used for a particular operation in a program. The keys near the top of a keyboard marked ‘F1’ to ‘F12’ are function keys.

Hot Key

A key on a computer keyboard that provides a short way of performing a set of actions


One of the parts that you press on a keyboard to make it produce letters, numbers etc.


The part at the side of a computer keyboard that has number keys and arrow keys on it.

Numeric Keypad

The part of a computer keyboard to the right of the main keys that has keys with numbers on them.

Num Lock

A computer key that you press to make the number keys below it enter numbers and not be used for moving up and down a document.

Pound Key

American the hash key on a telephone keypad or computer keyboard.


A return key.

Return key

A key on a computer keyboard that makes the computer perform an action or start a new line of writing.


Computing a shift key on a computer keyboard.

Shift Key

The key that you press on a computer keyboard when you want to write a capital letter.

Short Cut

Computing a computer icon or a combination of keys on the keyboard such as ‘Alt + C’ that helps you to do something on the computer more quickly, for example go to a particular program or copy information.

Space Bar

The long narrow bar at the front of a computer keyboard that you press to make a space between words when you are typing.

Star key

The key with the asterisk symbol (*) on a telephone keypad or computer keyboard.


Computing a button on a computer keyboard or typewriter that you press to move several spaces along the same line.

Tab key

A tab on a computer keyboard.


Computing a key or command (=instruction) on a computer that you use to move from one operation or program to another and back again.


Computing a small flat surface on a laptop computer that you touch with your finger in order to move the cursor on the screen.

Introduction to Word 1 Setting Up Your Word Environment   Learn how to use the Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, and Ruler. 2 T...

Introduction to Word

Word Basics

  • 7
    Creating a New Document
    Learn all about creating a blank document in Word 2007.
  • 8
    Formatting Text
    Learn how to change font size, color, and text alignment.
  • 9
    Working with Text Boxes
    Learn all about using text boxes to draw attention to specific parts of your document.
  • 10
    Inserting Clip Art
    Learn more about using Clip Art.
  • 11
    Working with Shapes
    Learn how to add and modify the shapes you add to your document.
  • 12
    Using a Template
    Learn how to use templates to create documents quickly.
  • 13
    Working with Lists
    Learn how to add and modify lists.
  • 14
    Line and Paragraph Spacing
    Learn how to modify line and paragraph spacing.

Doing More with Word

  • 15
    Modifying Page Layout
    Learn how to modify page layout elements in your document.
  • 16
    Working with Pictures
    Learn more about working with images.
  • 17
    Columns and Ordering
    Learn how to add and modify columns.
  • 18
    Working with Headers and Footers
    Learn more about working with headers and footers.
  • 19
    Working with Tables
    Learn how to add and modify tables.
  • 20
    Using SmartArt Graphics
    Learn how to use SmartArt in your documents.
  • 21
    Using Indents and Tabs
    Learn all about using indents and tabs to add structure to your documents.
  • 22
    Applying Styles and Themes
    Learn how to apply and modify styles and themes.

Advanced Word

  • 23
    Using Mail Merge
    Learn how to use the Mail Merge feature in Word 2007.


  • 24
    New Features in Word 2007
    Learn about some of the features available in Word 2007.
  • 25
    Word 2007 Illustrations – Worth More Than a Thousand Words
    Learn how to use the Word 2007 illustration feature to create impressive documents.


Word 2007 -  Setting Up Your Word Environment Introduction Before you begin creating documents in Word, you may want to  set up your W...

Word 2007 - Setting Up Your Word Environment


Word 2007Before you begin creating documents in Word, you may want to set up your Word environment and become familiar with a few key tasks such as how to minimize and maximize the Ribbon, configure the Quick Access Toolbar, display the ruler, and use the Word Count and Zoom tools.

How To minimize and maximize the Ribbon:

  • Right-click anywhere in the main menu.
  • Select Minimize the Ribbon in the menu that appears. This will toggle the Ribbon on and off.
Maximize and Minimize Ribbon
  • The check mark beside Minimize the Ribbon indicates that the feature is active.

The new tabbed Ribbon system replaces traditional menus in Word 2007. It is designed to be responsive to your current task and easy to use; however, you can choose to minimize the Ribbon if you would rather use different menus or keyboard shortcuts.

How To add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar:

  • Click the arrow to the right of the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Select the command you want to add from the drop-down list. It will appear in the Quick Access Toolbar.
Quick Access toolbar
The Save, Undo, and Redo commands appear by default in the Quick Access Toolbar. You may want to add other commands to make using specific Word features more convenient for you.

To display or hide the Ruler:

  • Click the View Ruler icon over the scrollbar.
  • Display Ruler
  • The View Ruler icon works as a toggle button to turn the Ruler on and off.


  • Open Word 2007 on your computer. A new blank document will appear on the screen.
  • Make sure your Ribbon is maximized.
  • Display the Ruler.
  • Add any commands you want to the Quick Access Toolbar.
  • Close Word without saving the document.

MS Paint क्या है – What is Microsoft Paint? MS Paint – Microsoft Paint क्या है? MS Paint एक साधारण graphics/drawing editor है जो  W...

MS Paint क्या है – What is Microsoft Paint?

MS Paint – Microsoft Paint क्या है?

MS Paint एक साधारण graphics/drawing editor है जो Windows के हर संस्करण में सम्मिलित होता है. MS Paint उपयोक्ता (users) को साधारण drawing/painting करने की सुविधा देता है तथा कुछ फोटो editing भी MS Paint में कि जा सकती है. MS Paint की विंडो कुछ इस प्रकार की दिखाई देती है .
आप भी अपने कम्प्युटर मे अभी MS Paint को open कर इसे देख सकते है. और यदि आपको इसे open करना नही आता है तो कोई बात नही आप ‘MS Paint को कैसे Open करे‘ Tutorial से इसे Open करना सीख सकते है.
आपने ध्यान दिया हो तो MS Paint की विंडो कई भागों में विभाजित है. आइए हम MS Paint विंडो के इन भागो को क्रम से जानते है.

1. MS Paint Button

MS Paint Button MS Paint का एक प्रमुख भाग है. यह बटन menu bar में होता है. इस बटन में MS Paint में बनने वाली फाईल के लिए कई विकल्प दिए होते है. इन Tools की मदद से MS Paint में बनने वाले Documents को Save, Open, Print आदि कार्य किए जाते है. आप Paint Button के बारे में आगे के Tutorials में विस्तार से जानेंगे.

2. Quick Access Toolbar

Quick Access Toolbar MS Paint का एक विशेष भाग है. यह टूलबार Title bar में होता है. इसे हम शॉर्टकट की तरह उपयोग मे लेते है. इस टूलबार में अधिकतर काम आने वाली commands को add कर दिया जाता है और वे इसमे जुड जाती है. Quick Access Toolbar की सहायता से MS Paint में कार्य थोडी speed से हो पाता है.

3. Title bar

Title bar MS Paint विंडो का सबसे ऊपरी भाग है. इस बार पर MS Paint मे बनाई गई फाईल के नाम को दिखाया जाता है. जब तक फाईल को रक्षित (save) नही किया जाएगा फाईल का नाम नही दिखाया जाता है और वहां “Untitled” लिखा होता है. जैसे ही हम फाईल को किसी नाम से रक्षित (save) करते है तब “Untitled” के स्थान पर फाईल नाम दिखाया जाता है. Title bar के दांये कोने में तीन बटन होते है. इन तीन बटन में पहला बटन होता है जिस पर क्लिक करने से Open Program Task Bar में आ जाता है. दूसरा बटन होता है. यह बटन विंडो की width को कम या ज्यादा करने का कार्य करता है. और तीसरा बटन है जो प्रोग्राम को बंद करने का कार्य करता है.

4. Ribbon

Ribbon MS Paint विंडो का एक और भाग है. यह title bar से नीचे होता है. इस पाठ मे दिखाई गई MS Paint विंडो में लाल रंग का हिस्सा ही ribbon है. इस भाग में MS Paint tabs (जो विकल्प menu bar में होते है) के विकल्पों को दिखाया जाता है.

5. Scroll bar

Scroll bar MS Paint विंडो में drawing area के दो तरफ होती है. एक बार लम्बवत (vertically) होती है, जो canvas को ऊपर-नीचे सरकाने के लिए होती है तथा दूसरी बार आडी (horizontally) होती है, यह canvas को दांये-बांये सरकाने के लिए होती है.

6. Status bar

Status bar MS Paint विंडो में drawing area के बिल्कुल नीचे होती है. इस बार के नीचे दांये कोने में “Zoom Level” नामक टूल होता है जिसकी सहायता से canvas को zoom in तथा zoom out किया जा सकता है. और बांये कोने में drawing के pixels को दिखाया जाता है तथा इसके आगे canvas की width एवं height को दिखाया जाता है.

7. Drawing Area or Canvas

Text Area इसे canvas भी कहते है MS Paint का सबसे मह्त्वपूर्ण भाग है. और यह MS Paint विंडो का सबसे बडा तथा मध्य भाग होता है. इसी क्षेत्र मे drawing या painting की जाती है.

आपने क्या सीखा?

इस Lesson में आपने जाना कि Microsoft Paint क्या होता है. हमने इस Lesson में MS Paint के बारे में सरल भाषा में बताया है. हमे उम्मीद है कि आप इस Lesson को पढने के बाद Paint से परिचित हो गए है.